½ cup copha
1 teaspoon soy lecithin granules
2 tablespoons sifted carob powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup warmed honey
food to dip in sauce:
Strawberries, dried fruit, nuts, ice-cream
Strawberries, dried fruit, nuts, ice-cream
Melt copha in small saucepan on low heat. Take off heat, stir in lecithin with hand whisk for 20 seconds and then let mixture cool for 10 minutes. Gradually pour warm honey into the copha, whisking constantly, then add remaining ingredients and whisk until well combined. Place saucepan with mixture in freezer for 5 minutes. Take out, whisk by hand for 10 seconds, then place in freezer again for another 2-4 minutes. Take out and stir with spoon until mixture starts to become pale and creamy in texture. (this process combines the honey and oil to make a lovely coating) Place on a very low heat and when almost completely melted, take off heat, whisk to remove any lumps. Let stand to cool and thicken slightly. Ready for coating. Unused sauce can be stored in cupboard/fridge and reheated again.
I will not be afraid…my heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Psalm 112:7
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