What's new from His Kitchen

What's new from His Kitchen


Chewy Apricot Bites

White Truffles

Creamy Potato & Cauliflower Soup

Creamy Fruit Ice Cream

Waffles GF (Grainfree option)

Kale Chips

Raw Energy Balls

Grainfree Crispbreads

Kale and Quinoa Salad

Vanilla Slice

Quinoa and Sweet Potato Salad

Salted Caramel Muesli Slice

Date and Coconut Logs

Stuffed Rice Cups with Marinated Tofu

Caramel Fruit Bites

Crunchy Buckwheat Tabouli

Spinach Pie

NOTE: when looking for a recipe - type name in the search engine located above the savoury picture icon. Sometimes the search engine will not recognise the recipe, if so, click on picture icon and scroll down.


Caramel Tarts/Slice (GF)

makes approx 20 tarts

puff pastry or see pastry in Banana Cream Pie

½ cup cashews
1 ¼ cups water
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/3 cup sunflower oil
1/3 cup honey
just under 1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 ½ tablespoons cornflour
4 tablespoons macadamia/cashew/almond spread
¼ cup melted copha

Cut puff pastry into circles (bottom of  baked bean tin) and place into small, greased, dome shaped patty tray. Bake the pastry at 170ºC for approx 15 minutes, then press down the risen pastry with a teaspoon.  This is a quick method instead of covering the pastry with baking paper then filling with rice/beans.  This works fine with very small patty trays. Next place all caramel ingredients into blender and blend on high for 2 minutes. Pour into saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes until thick and darkened in colour. Pour caramel filling into cooled pastry cases or prepared pastry for slice and sprinkle with coconut. Keep refrigerated.

His angels…excel in strength.
Psalm 103:20

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